(066) 7124555
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Will this system work in rainy overcast days?

Yes, the Thermodynamic Solar system will work in any weather conditions even down to -5 degrees outside

How does thermodynamic solar work?

Thermodynamic solar is a principal of using refrigerant gas to extract heat from the atmosphere and convert it via a heat exchange process to the water used for bathing, washing…etc.

Is this system guaranteed?

The panel and cylinder carry a 5 year guarantee and the thermodynamic block carry a 2 year guarantee, we also offer a 2 year guarantee on labour

 Does this system require backup?

No backup needed with this system 

Does this system have legionella control?

Yes, it has an electric element which can boost the water to 60 degrees C which prevents legionella if needed

Do I need to replace my existing cylinder?

No, if you have a good quality insulated cylinder we can retrofit into this cylinder

 Do the panels have to be fitted south facing?

No, the panels can be fitted at any orientation but preferably south facing is best

Do I need any special power supply?

No, just a normal socket will do

 What is the difference between this system and conventional solar tubes and solar panels?

Solar tubes and solar panels only work with sunshine to produce hot water to 55 degrees, this system will produce 55 degrees hot water in any weather conditions

Is there any risks of freezing pipes ?

No, this system using a refrigerant gas in the pipes which will never freeze or over heat

How does this system guarantee hot water 365 days of year?

By combining the solar gain outside and the mini heat pump compressor raising the temperature of the refrigerant to 110 degrees C , this insures the water in the cylinder will always be heated to 55 degrees C

  • Last updated on .

Tralee Showroom Opening Hours:
Mon to Sat: 8.30am - 5.30pm
Sun: 2.00pm – 5.00pm

Newcastle West Showroom Opening Hours:
Mon to Sat: 8.30am - 5.30pm

Cremur Tralee
C.W.S. Complex
Upper Rock Street
Tralee, Co. Kerry
V92 YH5V

Call: (066) 7124555
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cremur Newcastle West
St Mary's Rd,
Newcastle West,
Co. Limerick,
V42 E029

Call: (069) 26013
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