(066) 7124555
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product category

Wood Pellet

Image Product
Stoves/pellets/belvedere 22 top
Stoves/pellets/belvedere 22
Stoves/pellets/style 220
Stoves/pellets/belvedere 28
Stoves/pellets/style 180 plus
Stoves/pellets/rea 100
REA 100
Stoves/pellets/style 180 duo
Stoves/pellets/style 180

Wash Basins

Image Product
bathroom/TP225.00000 - tp225.0000
520 CounterTop Wash Basin (1 TH)
bathroom/TP225.00200 - tp225.00200
520 CounterTop Wash Basin (2 TH)
bathroom/OR52PED - or52ped
Origin 62 52cm Basin & Pedestal
bathroom/SUM40BAS1 - sum40bas1 lifestyle
Summit Handrinse Basin 40cm
bathroom/PB006P - pb004p - strata 485 basin and ped 1
Strata 450 Basin 1TH & Pedestal
bathroom/PB007P - pb004p strata washbasin 48cm 2 tap hole pedestal 1
Strata 450 Basin 2TH & Pedestal
bathroom/PB006S - strata semi ped 1th 1
Strata 450 Basin 1TH & Semi Pedestal
bathroom/PB007S - strata basin 2 th and semi ped 530 002  1
Strata 450 Basin 2TH & Semi Pedestal
bathroom/TP214.00100 - undermounted 460x370 white resized
Undermounted Oval Wash Basin 470x380mm
bathroom/ORI62SRBAS1 - ori625rbas1
Origin 62 52cm Semi Recessed Basin
bathroom/TP216.00100 - undermounted 460x370 white resized 1
Undermounted Oval Wash Basin 510x370mm
bathroom/PB011P - pb011p - strata basin and ped
Strata 530 Basin 1TH & Pedestal
bathroom/PB012P - pb012p strata washbasin 53cm 2 tap hole pedestal
Strata 530 Basin 2TH & Pedestal
bathroom/K11-0094 - k11-0099 caspia countertop washbasin ring colour resized
Caspia Countertop Basin Ring
bathroom/K24-012 - president 450 1th bottletrap resized
President 45cm Handrinse Basin
bathroom/SUM60BSP - sum60bas1 ped lifestyle
Summit Basin 60cm and Pedestal
bathroom/UL060.00000 - ul060.00000 1
Enya Countertop Basin 600mm
bathroom/MOR60SSP - mor60ssp 820x1000x96dpi
Morning Basin 60cm & Semi Pedestal (1TH)
bathroom/K08-040-EX1 - k08-040-ex1 1
President 450 basin 2 Tap Hole
bathroom/RST45SL1RH - rst45slrh-2
Resort 450 Slimline Basin
bathroom/UL060.00000 - ul060.00000 1
Enya Countertop Basin - 600mm
bathroom/MOR60BSP - mor60bsp 820x1000x96dpi
Morning Basin 60cm & Full Pedestal (1TH)
bathroom/RSTCNRBSP - rstcnrbsp-2
Resort 450 Corner Basin & Standard Height Pedestal
bathroom/MOR60BAS1 - mor60bas1 820x1000x96dpi
Morning Basin 60cm
bathroom/WST611 - wst611 820x1000
Westbury 61 cm Basin and Full Pedestal 1 Tap Hole
bathroom/CAM0211 - cam0211-820x1000x92
Cambridge 500 Basin with Full Pedestal - Single Tap Hole
bathroom/CAM0205 - cambridge-04-820x1000x92 1
Cambridge 500 Basin with Full Pedestal - Duo Tap Hole
bathroom/CAM9008 - cam9008-820x1000x92
Cambridge 500 Basin - Single Tap Hole
bathroom/CAM9009 - cam9009-820x1000x92
Cambridge 500 Basin - Duo Tap Hole
bathroom/NX242.00000 - nx242.00000 1
Brook 5040 Countertop Basin - 500mm
bathroom/TON45BSP - ton45bsp
Tonique 450 Basin & Pedestal
bathroom/WST612 - wst612 820x1000
Westbury 61 cm Basin and Full Pedestal 2 Tap Hole
bathroom/MN045.00000 - mn045.00000
Aspen Countertop Basin
bathroom/PB023 - pb023 strata 520 cloak 1th
Strata 520 Cloakroom Basin 1TH
bathroom/PB022 - pb022 strata 520 cloak 2th
Strata 520 Cloakroom Basin 2TH
Results 2157 - 2200 of 2678

Tralee Showroom Opening Hours:
Mon to Sat: 8.30am - 5.30pm
Sun: 2.00pm – 5.00pm

Newcastle West Showroom Opening Hours:
Mon to Sat: 8.30am - 5.30pm

Cremur Tralee
C.W.S. Complex
Upper Rock Street
Tralee, Co. Kerry
V92 YH5V

Call: (066) 7124555
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cremur Newcastle West
St Mary's Rd,
Newcastle West,
Co. Limerick,
V42 E029

Call: (069) 26013
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